Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gallstones Surgery

Gallstones are tiny stone deposits in bile, which is reserved in gall bladder. Bile aids the process of digestion. Gallstones formation is one of the most common gallbladder diseases. Gallstones surgery needs to be undergone to remove these stone deposits. This surgical removal of gallstones in the gall bladder is termed as cholecystectomy, which helps to alleviate acute pain caused due to gallstones. Bile imbalance is one of the most common gallstone causes.
Sometimes, people may develop gallstone signs and symptoms such as gallstone ileus, which is defined as a big gallstone obstructing the small intestine, empyema, which is accumulation of pus in gall bladder and perforation in the gall bladder. Hence for gallstones treatment, surgery remains to be the best option.

Gallstones Surgery Procedures

General anesthesia is administered before starting the surgery for gallstones. Usually, it's effect lasts for about a couple of hours. There are 2 surgery options for surgery for gallstones, such as, open gall bladder surgery and laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Open gall bladder surgery is done by giving a large cut for removing gall bladder. Open gall bladder surgery for gallstones removal remains to be the best option if laparoscopic surgery can't be done and in case of blood scarring in former surgery, or when blood clotting does not take place properly. Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is the most commonly opted method to remove gall bladder with gallstones. It involves blowing up the stomach with carbon di oxide or air to get a clear view and then insertion of a viewing instrument, called laparoscope and tools for surgery into abdomen through an incision. Video monitor then guides the surgeon for other cuts to be given for gall bladder removal. Laparoscopic surgery removes gallstones from the gall bladder and not from the common bile duct. Rarely, gallstones can develop in bile duct after gallbladder stones removal. This surgery is comparatively safe and the time for this gallstones surgery recovery is approximately 1 week. A person can resume daily activities within approximately 10 days of surgical removal of gallstones. In case of laparoscopic gall bladder surgery, it takes 2 -3 weeks for the pain to alleviate.

Side Effects and Risks

Gallstones surgery side effects include exertion of strain on metabolism of fat digesting, which is performed by biliary system. It also causes reduction in bile secretion. For break down of fats, bile secretion is necessary and this bile is hold up in gall bladders. Gall bladders removed causes reduction in bile secretion and it puts burden on liver on consuming hydrogenated and saturated fats. Gallstones surgery complications can involve damage to common bile duct, internal bleeding and infection caused due to incision. There are some gallstones surgery risks involved as well, such as, general anesthesia risk and damage to cystic duct, which transports bile to the common bile duct, leakage of bile into abdominal cavity and sometimes propelling of gallstones after surgery into common bile duct. Gallstones after gallbladder surgery also may continue to be present in abdominal cavity. After gallstones surgery, bile is transported into small intestine via common bile duct from liver, where it is created. Gallbladder removal makes the body unable to store bile between diets. In some cases, people show abdomen related complaints such as gas and bloating of stomach. After gallstones surgery a person may feel extensive muscle pain triggered due to anesthesia, swelling at the site of surgery, diarrhea, nausea and aversion of food.
This was about gallstones surgery, risks and complications and recovery after gallstones surgery. It is imperative that the person consults the doctor immediately on spotting symptoms such as pain due to gallstones. The delay in surgery may trigger other complications such as obstruction the duct from gallbladder leading to other organs totally

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